This popular technique is only part of the picture.
Hypnobirthing techniques overlap in many ways with techniques taught in yoga classes, especially breathing and relaxation practices. Read on for what Tessa offers to expectant parents: perhaps you would like to learn hypnobirthing as part of a comprehensive course alongside preparing the physical body for the birthing journey. Or maybe you would just like to purchase tracks to listen to in your own time.
Key hypnobirthing tracks
Many hypnobirthing tracks are focused on a particular outcome in birth and use phrases such as “Trust your body to birth your baby”.
What happens during labour is not purely the result of how much you’ve listened to relaxation tracks and practiced techniques, but also the maternity system in which you give birth.
Tessa has carefully crafted tracks that support you through the birthing journey whatever birth you are planning and to support you to feel calm and in control whatever happens. This is important for how you feel after your baby is born.
She uses trauma-informed language so even if a previous birth was challenging, these tracks will be appropriate for you.
Do not hesitate to contact Tessa with any questions before purchasing.
A hypnobirthing track especially created for during pregnancy and to support your birthing journey. Carefully crafted to induce deep relaxation so that the more you listen to the tracks, the easier it is to enter into a state of rest even during labour.
Many hypnobirthing tracks focus on specific outcomes for labour, but these tracks are written in a trauma-informed way to provide positive support regardless of how you plan to birth your baby and how your baby arrives into the world.
A 14-minute hypnobirthing track using the concept of a sensation dial that you can turn down to manage the intensity of physical sensations.
To be used with headphones for the full effect of a powerful technique called ‘alternating Bilateral Stimulation (BLS)’ supports deeper relaxation. BLS brings the listener into the present moment and turns off the fight and flight reaction of the sympathetic nervous system through familiar sounds alternating left and right.
Download onto a device you will have with you during labour! Remember your charger :)
Take me step-by-step, hand-in-hand through the techniques
Tessa has designed a birth preparation workshop that includes all the elements for mind and body. So often, the focus is on mental preparation for birth and strangely the body is neglected. By learning hypnobirthing techniques, yoga practices, biomechanics for birth concepts (how to support the baby to navigate your pelvis and how to protect your perineum), navigating the maternity system and more.
You’re in good hands because Tessa is a FEDANT (Federation for Antenatal Educators)-accredited trainer for teaching other pregnancy teachers how to deliver this workshop!
Currently, you can access this workshop online to use at your own pace or have a private workshop to specifically address your needs.
See more about what is included by clicking the button.