Birth Preparation classes
Why choose birth preparation classes with me?
Many expectant parents sign up for their local hospital antenatal classes or NCT course. Depending on the teacher, these can be information-heavy and not provide you with a practical tool kit of techniques to use.
My birth preparation course provides comprehensive body-and-mind preparation for labour including hypnobirthing and biomechanics for birth techniques. This birth preparation course is currently available online (£49) or as a private workshop to focus on your specific situation (starting at £119 including resources).
I train other pregnancy yoga teachers to deliver this course in other UK locations and the training is FEDANT-accredited (Federation of Antenatal Educators).
When should you start preparing for birth?
Expectant parents come to my Pregnancy Yoga weekly classes and workshops from the second trimester onwards. Sometimes as late as 39 weeks of pregnancy, but obviously the sooner you can start preparing the better.
The beauty of the online course is that you have lifetime access to the resources so can go through the videos and practice the relaxations and other techniques during pregnancy and even in labour.
How do I prepare for giving birth?
Reading, moving and relaxing! It's really important to be informed about birth physiology in order to have the best chance of having a vaginal birth (if that's what you're planning) and to know about possible interventions you might be offered along the way. In the course birth know-how videos, I explain the relationship between birth hormones and the nervous system as well as other pieces of the puzzle.
It is important to keep during pregnancy because this minimises pregnancy discomforts and increases your chances of an active birth with less intervention (see pregnancy yoga research evidence). In the birth-know how videos, yoga sequences and even dancing for birth video Understanding why to use and PRACTICING natural birth labour positions, labour positions to ease pain and the best birthing positions to prevent tearing will help you remember them and feel more comfortable using them.
In the course, I also talk about birth positions with epidural (basically the same 'sacrum flexible positions as without an epidural ie not ending up semi-reclining on your back) and water birth positions (basically the same as on land, but more options because the water supports your weight and the warm water offers pain relief).
Mental preparation for labour focuses on learning how to calm your nervous system so the birth hormones can continue with their work during labour. Listening twice a week (or more) to relaxation tracks (yoga nidra or hypnobirthing) will make it easier and easier to get into a relaxed state.
I have 18 years experience of teaching pregnancy yoga. I am a member of the Maternity Voices Partnership committee at the RBH (for 6 years) collaborating on projects with midwives.
I am a trainer of other pregnancy yoga teachers through the Yoga Teachers Forum and run the international State of Birth symposium for birth professionals.
FEDANT National Registration number 13398
What People Are Saying
“Tessa taught us a range of techniques to use throughout labour and if you find that one isn’t working, try another! The course also highlighted the importance of the role of the birth partner in both helping you to implement the techniques and also remind you of positions to try if things aren’t progressing as quickly as they could.
I would definitely recommend the course to anyone having a baby. All women should be taught about the physicality of labour and how you can actively help yourself to have as positive a birth experience as possible.
The techniques that Tessa teaches you help you to feel confident and empowered as you move towards the latter stages of your pregnancy and this in turn helps you to feel more relaxed.
Tessa is clearly very experienced in her field and is able to talk confidently and competently during the classes that she offers which means that they flow very well and the time flies by.
She has a lovely calm and gentle demeanour that instantly puts you at ease and she is able to recommend a wealth of other resources that provide additional information on a range of topics. We are so grateful to her for all her help and advice.”
— Gabriella and David (and baby Oli)
Course details.
The practices are spread over 5 weeks so that you can learn a range of well-tested techniques that can transform your birthing experience whatever the right birth is for you. If you don't have 5 weeks left, no problem!
All of the resources are available the moment you sign up so you can watch all the birth know-how videos back-to-back if you want!
The beautiful thing about practicing yoga is how great you feel, right? I bet you also feel like you know your body a lot better after going to yoga classes. With this course, you have a whole tool kit of techniques to listen in to your body and be able to make yourself more comfortable in pregnancy and during labour.
I've also included a bonus section because not all pregnancies are the same. Whether you're pregnant with twins, discover your baby is breech or develop pelvic pain, I've got you covered. There are also bonus videos on acupressure points to help with pain relief and baby wearing tips by experts. Join the Facebook group and you can ask me questions that come up.
I couldn't resist adding a postnatal section to help you prepare for the fourth trimester and recharge with a specific postnatal relaxation track.
So if you want to enjoy your pregnancy and go into birth feeling energised, relaxed, focused and excited, this is the course for you.