Books by Tessa

Stories can change your world.

In teaching puberty workshops, hosting coming of age events and talking in schools, I noticed there was not quite the right kind of book that I wanted to share with others.​..So I created one…Then another for girls…Then was asked for one for boys.

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Circle Holding: A Guide to Facilitating Talking Circles with Julia Davis

“Davis and Sanderson are wise and encouraging guides” ~ Juno Magazine, Autumn 2024

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  • Ruby Luna's Curious Journey

    Ruby Luna's Curious Journey

    Do you want your daughter's experience of learning about her body to be different from yours? Do you get stuck when asked questions like "How does the baby get out?"

    Let me help you find the right words. "Every time my kids have a question I run and get the book out again and again." (Erin)

    With fun actions and watercolour illustrations that are relatable and multicultural, this book will support you to have healthy communications about bodies.

    Approximately 5-9 year olds but depends on the child and family.

  • Ruby Luna's Moontime

    Ruby Luna's Moontime

    Does it feel like it's time to talk about periods, but you're not sure where to start?

    This is like Adrian Mole's Secret Diary, but for girls. It quietly sneaks information about different menstrual products, the environment, eating well, changing emotions, moving house and to big school.

    "My daughter finished and said "The book was soooooooo good!" (Jenny)

    "My daughter and I have laughed so many times while reading this book together." (Sarah B)

    For 10-12 year olds, but also earlier if puberty starts younger.

  • Ruby Luna's Odyssey

    Ruby Luna has different feelings about her body changing. Some days she’s excited about it and other days it’s annoying!

    This book aims to gently get at big topics like pleasure and consent; written in a poem-like way with watercolour pictures of everyday sensations to take the emotional charge out of the subject matter.

    For approx. 11-15 year olds.

  • Dante Leon's Curious Journey

    Dante Leon's Curious Journey

    Do you wonder how you're going to explain wet dreams? Or erections?

    “A brilliant book explaining the changes boys go through in a simple, honest and direct way.” (Tim Scott, Early Years Professional and Dad).

    Let me help you with explaining how a boy's body changes as he grows, with fun actions and watercolour illustrations that are relatable and multicultural.

    For approximately 7-11 year olds.

    Also good to explain boys' bodies to girls.

  • Colour Your Cycle

    Colour Your Cycle

    Do you want to create space to connect with the gifts and tasks of your menstrual cycle?

    Do you want to move deeper into knowing the Inner Seasons (menstruation - Inner Winter; pre-ovulation - Spring; ovulation - Summer; Pre-menstruum - Autumn).

    17 mandalas to reflect on the different phases, with stories and experiences, and a yoga nidra.

    Perfect for sharing with children as you talk about periods or in women's workshops. Buy DIRECT from me or download from ETSY.

  • Pregnancy & Birth Colouring Book with Yoga Nidras

    Pregnancy & Birth Colouring Book with Yoga Nidras

    Are you looking for space to reflect on the upcoming birth and positively prepare? This book comes with a link to two specially crafted Yoga Nidras (relaxations) or you can ask your partner to record the scripts that are available in the book.

    "The book is just beautiful" (Sarah, hypnobirthing teacher).

    Available through Amazon worldwide, or directly from me in the spiral bound form in the UK.

  • Pearls of Birth Wisdom: An Inner Journey

    Pearls of Birth Wisdom: An Inner Journey

    Diverse, positive birthing stories from my classes, including induction, breech baby, vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC), same sex parents and more.

    Can you feel how pregnancy and birth is an opportunity for growth of you as a person as well as your baby?

    Stories are the most entertaining and deepest way to learn and reflect. Benefit also from my insights of 16+ years of teaching and use the reflections to go deeper.

All books can also be ordered directly from me. For signed copies with a message for the recipient or discounts for bulk orders:

Ruby Luna’s Curious Journey

"It's a beautiful book. I'm really impressed with this book for younger children."

Cath from Sex Ed Rescue

Ruby Luna’s Moontime

"I loved it. A lot of the questions kids ask me about growing up were in here."

Cath from Sex Ed Rescue

Children's books

"I recommend all of these books to the schools I visit."

Joanna Feast, RSE Educational Consultant