Menstrual Cycle Awareness

Welcome to the fascinating world of menstrual cycle awareness!

A world that many don't know exist.

I support girls and women to learn about periods and their menstrual cycle in different ways: through workshops, talks, mother and daughter circles, and a women's circle in Caversham, Reading, throughout Berkshire and neighbouring counties, and online.

What is MCA?

I came to menstrual cycle awareness (MCA) after the birth of my second daughter. I had been tracking my cycle before the conception of my first and second daughters for fertility awareness and was so amazed by what I found out that I kept learning.

MCA has been life-changing for me. I have been able to understand my own unique cycle, with my own patterns of physical signs, emotions and behaviours. This has extremely validating because I see now how much is driven by hormones - not in an off-hand "It's your hormones" kind-of-way, but in a way that supports me to live in peace with my inner cycle.

The menstrual cycle acts as a barometer for our physical and emotional health. It's common but not normal to experience heavy bleeding or cramping. It's common but not normal to have big mood swings.

Learning basic menstrual cycle awareness can support you to make little changes to improve quality of life, and where needed, to collect information to get the right support from health professionals.

What People Are Saying

“Tessa delivered a well received, meaningful talk to the University's Women@Reading members on a topic which very present in our members minds at the moment, and the content was just what we were looking for – breaking the stigma and encouraging us to own and work with what is biologically normal throughout our lives. The talk was both an anchoring and uplifting experience for everyone – thank you Tessa.”

Emma Broomfield, Women’s Network co-ordinator, UoR

  • Menstrual cycle awareness online course

    Menstrual cycle awareness online course

    Self-study course with a range of nourishing practices from yoga for your cycle, to yoga nidra relaxations and visualisations, to bellydancing and videos on topics like the inner critic

  • Women's Circle

    Women's Circle

    Monthly talking circle with women of different ages (including postmenopausal), coming together to talk honestly about life and be really listened to

  • First period celebration

    First period celebration

    Tessa offers a number of different events around the time of puberty; workshops for 7-9 year olds, Celebration Days for Girls for 10-12 year olds, mother and daughter circles, and school and group visits.

  • Menarche ceremony for women

    Menarche ceremony for women

    Many women had a bad or at best, a neutral, experience around their first period. Join Tessa for a ceremony to heal this important rite of passage.

  • Menstruality Medicine Circle

    Menstruality Medicine Circle

    This is a beautiful process developed by the Red School that is experienced 121. Suitable for any woman to connect with her own innate wisdom.

Featured Product

Featured Product

“This is the guide I wish I had when I discovered menstrual cycle awareness”, says Tessa. She has put all her research into a comprehensive 30-page A4 guide that gives you options according to your aim for tracking your cycle (e.g. challenging symptoms, mood swings, fertility, creativity, getting to know yourself better, supporting your daughter).

"Tessa's loving presence, support and gentle guidance was essential to give me confidence to explore my inner cycle and I know it was from that day onwards I felt peaceful with my cycle and kept doing everything I needed to be well. "

- Andreia Haimer

"Tessa holds a space for healing with grace, tenderness and respect."

— Jodie Grace

"My attitude towards my period, my body and being a woman has positively changed since completing the course. Tessa has such wisdom and shares it in a well-structured way.  I loved the balance between theory and activities such as meditation and yoga."

— Jo Roper

Sign up for resources.

 Depending on whether you are interested in learning cycle awareness for yourself, or in relation to your daughter, there are two free classes below. Both with a chart and bonus gift.

Access a 15 minute class straight away to learn how to start charting today. Comes with downloadable chart and bonus gift.

Free class for you.

Access a 12 minute class straight away to learn how to start charting today. Comes with downloadable chart and bonus gift.

Free class for mums.

Hear me speak.

Unmasking the Feminine Podcast