Episode 9: From pop singer to exercise trailblazer with Jenny Burrell

Jenny Burrell

This episode is a wonderful example of how life and the work that you do follows a meandering path. What I have noticed in many of the episodes is that women’s work is often a direct response to what is happening in their own lives.

We talked about her freedom as a child and a love of pear drops. Life as a singer on the road (I was not expecting that!), from a Masters in biochemistry to covering her local exercise class, to running Burrell Education and the journey to providing training through a female lens.

We talked about missing out on education about the cycle and how many of her courses have come from a personal journey with the female body. We could have talked for much longer!

See Jenny's trainings at https://www.burrelleducation.com/

In this podcast, I always ask the same four questions: 1) what were you like as a girl?; 2) how did you come to do what you do?; 3) how do cycles affect your work and life?; and 4) tell me about a transformational moment.