Episode 6: A deep dive inside - from fashionista to embodiment coach
Jane Dancey
I was delighted to speak to Jane, asking the four usual questions: What were you like as a girl? How did you come to this calling? Do cycles affect your work? Please describe a transformational moment in your life.
We talked about:
Working in fashion and TV production and then having a complete career change
How being a mum has guided interests in her work
How people mark rites of passage in different ways
Paying attention to how we navigate beginnings and endings tells us a lot about who we are
If we recognised how cycles affect all parts of our lives it frees us to change.
Jane is an Embodiment coach, Holistic Pelvic Health coach, somatic yoga teacher, Rites of Passage facilitator and mum to one teen girl, supporting women through all stages of life from puberty to menopause and beyond.
Jane runs The Embodied Female Pelvis Course where she supports women in cultivating deep connection, health and vitality to this powerful part of themselves. She offers workshops, courses and one2one sessions around with a gentle and trauma-informed perspective, using embodied and somatic movement, breathwork and visualization.