Episode 1: Re-empowering rites of passage with Jane Bennett

Jane Bennett

In this episode we talked about her journey from studying anthropology to setting up a foundation to support menstrual health, which sounds straightforward but included many stepping stones along the way.

Jane Bennett is a menstrual educator and author, and founder of the Chalice Foundation: https://www.chalicefoundation.org, a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to menstrual wellbeing, education and positive menstrual culture.

In 2000 Jane created Celebration Day for Girls, which is now available in over 20 countries: https://www.celebrationdayforgirls.com, and she is the author of A Blessing Not a Curse and Girltopia: A world of real conversations for real girls, and the co-author of About Bloody Time, The Pill: are you sure it's for you?, The Complete Guide to Optimum Conception, The Natural Fertility Management Contraception Kit and Woman Wise conversation cards.

Tessa set up this podcast to find out more about inspirational women's journey to their calling: what were they like as a girl, how did they come to do what they do, how do cycles affect their work and has there been a transformational moment? I like to imagine mums and their tween or teen daughters listening together in the car as they journey together.